Friday, September 19, 2014

Vlog: Moving and first week at uni! ^_^

Hello Hello!

I'm currently sitting in my room trying to work my way through my semester assignment, but now it's time for a little break, so I figured I'd try and write a bit here. It feels so weird that we're actually almost half way through the first semester!? Kinda scary, but nice too. Time just flies~

Since I'm not really doing anything exciting or interesting today I thought I'd share a video I just launched on my youtube a couple of days ago. It's my very first vlog! ^o^ Super excited about this, and I really want to keep on making vlogs so please go subscribe to my youtube account to see more.

This post is gonna be kinda short because I need to get back to my assignment, so I don't have time to write too much. Sorry, I'll get better once this is delivered. ^^ It's actually just our first draft of the assignment, but I just want to get the most into it so I can finish early. Gives me more time to blog/vlog and do other stuff.

Hope this wasn't too boring. ^_~
Bye Bye

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

First post: Hello! ^^

My name is Gulli, nice to meet you!

 Okay, I can find a more "normal" looking picture... not trying to scare you so just hold on a little..

There, that's a little better, since this is our first meeting.. x)

Aaaanyway, like I said, my name is Gulli. I'm a 19 year old girl from Norway. I love fashion and makeup, especially Japanese. Yes, I am a Japan fan. The country really fascinates me with it's history and culture.

Here on this blog I will be writing about fashion, makeup and maybe like general life stuff that you might find interesting, and not only Japan-stuff. I think I can control my weeaboo outbreaks, maybe... xD

Now I might need to get back to reading my books... I do have some curriculum to get through.
Wish me luck!
Bye Bye~