Tuesday, November 24, 2015

How To Deal With Exam Stress? My Top 8 Tips!

Hello there! 

It is now the last week of November, which means one thing; Exams! My first one is in 6 days!? And I am almost done with my home exam, so I can clearly say that this has been the month of stress for me. But the stress is far from over. Once December start I have 3 more exams spread out. So I have made a little list of what I do to cope with my exam stress. I hope it might help some of you out there that are stressing you but of right now. Or you might just get som tips for stressing down on everyday basis. Because us humans stress out way too much. I know I do at least. 

There are already a ton of articles about this out here on the wonderful internet, but I though; hey, one more is never gonna hurt. But you might have heard most, if not all of these tips other places before, but let me remind you of them in that case. 

  1. Take Breaks! The most important thing you can do if you are stressed, is to just simply take a short break. Let your brain relax, if only just a little. Once your brain is too tired you won't be able to think properly, and then you will take longer to finish your tasks. So just step away from whatever you are doing for maybe 10 minutes or so, and do something completely different. 
  2. Make a List! If you can organize what you need to do, you might find it helpful since you can get a broader look on what needs to be done. And don't panic if the list seems long! Just divide it up into smaller side-lists and check it off the list once you have done it. I know not everyone likes a to-do list, but some might feel like it de-stresses them a bit once you see that you have actually gotten a bit down the list. 
  3. Talk to People! Som find it helpful to talk about what stresses them out. Find a good friend or just a counselor, sit down and just explain what you are stressed about. Putting the stress into words might make it a little clearer, and the other person might have some good input or ideas for how to handle it best. 
  4. Drink Tea! This is not something universal. I personally find it very relaxing and helpful to just have a big cup of warm tea to sip on. Especially green tea. Some might find water helpful, others coffee. Find something you feel relaxed when drinking (if you do, not sure if everyone do..) and make it when you are stressed. I recommend hot cocoa with marshmallows as well! Always a winner when I'm stressed. 
  5. Set a Time Limit! Sometimes I set a time limit, where I will work effectively for a set time, and then have a break before resuming working for a set time again. Now I do myself struggle with doing this, so it's not always the most fitting way to work, but sometimes it does work. This lets you customize hoe much time you feel you can work by how you feel yourself, which makes it
  6. Be on Time! If you are late to stuff, you will immediately feel stressed, and then you will pile that stress upon other stress. So try and be on time with stuff, so you have as much time as possible to the stuff that you are doing afterwords. 
  7. Meditate! I feel like meditating really helps me calm my stressed body down a bit. When you meditate, you just feel so relaxed and at peace, so I highly recommend trying it. Even just by sitting with your eyes closed whilst listening to calm music for a couple of minutes might help take your mind off of things. Try to not think about anything, just let you brain relax. I don't know much about meditating, so Google or Youtube it to find proper tutorials if you want to know more on how to do it. 
  8. Music! For me, music is a helping hand no matter what I do. It can be motivating, comforting, confidence boosting and relaxing. So I always listen to music whenever I can. Find you go to song that helps you loose your worries, and that just makes you happy. Some songs can help you be more effective as well. I listen to upbeat songs when I write assignments, and when I read I listen to instrumental songs, since songs with words always tend to confuse and distract me. Zen music is really comforting, and are great for listening to when you try to meditate or just wanna relax. So just use your ears and find something that works for you. 

This are my top 8 tips that I have used lately. I hope it will help you to loose some of your stress and make the days a little bit easier. Do leave me a comment if there is anything you want me to write about! Always happy to hear what people like to read about~ 

Until next time.. <3 

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